Curriculum Overview

The curriculum at Trinity Academy New Bridge has been developed with a focus on preparing learners for both, academic success and social & emotional growth to enable better outcomes in life.

KS4 Pathways

Every learner will follow a core curriculum of English Language, Mathematics, Biology, PHSE/Careers, Computing and non-examined Physical Education throughout Key Stage 4 which accounts for about 60% of their timetable. Pupils will then select an additional 2 subjects that they will study throughout KS4. These subjects include both traditional GCSE options as well as vocational courses; BTECs, WJEC Vocational and Cambridge Nationals.

This is a fantastic opportunity for learners to begin to take control of their future: however, we also realise that although this may be straightforward for many, it can also be quite overwhelming. There is a vast range of guidance and support available to help you and your child make the right choices. 

You will meet with your teachers at parents evening in the Autumn Term and there will be a further chance to discuss your pathway with a member of the senior leadership team in the Spring Term. 

Subject Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4
English 5 5
Maths 5 5
Science 5 3
Humanities 2  
Art 2  
Physical Education 2 2
ICT/DS 2 2
Food Technology 2  
Preparing for Adulthood 3 4
PSHE/Careers 2 1
Pathway 1   4
Pathway 2   4


Learners take part in a number of enrichment activities last lesson of every day and on a Friday afternoon as part of their Secondary Curriculum offer.  This enables the students to develop some of the key ‘soft skills’ that they will need after leaving schools. These range from developing teamwork, communication, problem solving and flexibility and negotiation.  These are all skills that benefit students both across the curriculum and in their wider lives beyond school. The range of activities on offer varies from term to term but essentially consists of Drama, football, trampolining, baking, art project, climbing wall, hair and beauty, sensory activities, board games, gardening and allotment activities.

Preparation for Adulthood

Bespoke lessons are delivered to learners weekly, in their form group, to help prepare them for their future pathways in education and employment.  These lessons will focus on the needs of individuals in the group and be based around personal targets identified in each learners EHCP.  The key areas are:

  • Employment
  • Independent living
  • Good health
  • Family, friends and community

Examples of lesson content include:

  • Budgeting
  • Independent travel training

Cultural Capital

In order to expand and enhance learners’ cultural awareness, knowledge and competence, we offer a rotational programme of cultural capital experiences, which runs every Monday afternoon.  Every half term learners will have the opportunity to opt to take part in a variety of activities intended to develop their cultural awareness.  By the end of each academic year, each child will have experienced a range of on and off-site activities that are intended to extend their experience of the world around them and help them to be successful in society, their chosen career and the world of work.