Half-term Revision
Our year 11 learners found out the dates of their core subject GCSE exams this week. The 2022 exams start on the 16th May and finish on the 28th June.
After a very busy start to the Spring term completing mock assessments, attending booster club and demonstrating outstanding school attendance our learners are showing they have the resilience and motivation to do really well this Summer.
Booster Club runs every Monday evening for our year 11 learners to revise, practice exam papers and to share revision tips with one another. A popular method amongst learners at the moment is creating flash cards but we will be sharing more study skills, exam advice and tips as we lead up to May.
Our amazing parenting and pastoral team are also always on hand to help with any anxieties or exam related stress or to pass on helpful support as we lead up to exams and leaving school.
How do you prefer to revise?