Learning Blasts

At Trinity, we are working together as a whole trust to make sure we meet our vision to “change lives daily” by becoming trauma informed.
To improve our current trauma awareness, our amazing parenting team have been researching ways to make transitions during our learners day, week and terms more manageable.
One way in which we are currently showing this at TANB is by having an interactive, group activity to start the day. Research shows that having a calming activity to ease learners into the school day is beneficial in helping to calm anxiety and prepares our learners for lessons.
Learning blasts offer our learners the opportunity to build social skills, confidence, demonstrate and apply learning whilst also giving our learners a calm, consistent start to the morning and positively engaging learners; starting the day with a English or maths based task in a fun and interactive way.
John one of KS4 learners said “sometimes I get frustrated if I can’t do things so it’s good to do something right when it’s the start of the day!”
Tyler added “I agree, it’s good because it gets the brain working and even if you don’t want to get up and take part on the board you can just sit and think about it.”