Stay Safe in the Sun

It’s great that the weather is finally looking something like Summer should, but with all the benefits of the long warm days there are some hazards to be aware of too…
Dehydration, burning and overheating are all commonplace during the summer, but we can help to avoid them if we make sure that we – and especially our learners – follow some simple steps.
We recommend bringing re-fillable water bottles and to drink simply water to keep the body’s core temperature down and to keep all your organs functioning properly.
Take a cooler shower than normal and more frequently too, to help keep you cool.
Try to spend as much time as you can in the shade – especially between 11am and 4pm.
Even if you feel like it’s too hot to eat, try lighter foods like salads or foods which have a higher water content will make you feel less lethargic.
It’s really important that you wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to protect your skin against long-term damage from the sun.
Cover up:
It’s better to stay covered up too. You might also want to wear a hat and/or sunglasses too.