Summer School Week 2 (Final Week)

Summer School 2020
What an amazing time we all had Summer School 2020, but don't just take our word for it. If a picture is worth a thousand words, how can we measure our videos? One way is feedback... we would really like to hear what you think of our videos and Summer School. In the meantime, we would like to share the videos and some feedback of our own...
'I've enjoyed every minute'
'It's been an absolute pleasure'
'My bubble was fantastic'
I'm so happy I've done it and I would definitely recommend it to others'
'I'll miss it next week'
'Can we do it again?'
The feedback above is from the staff! Our amazing staff members volunteered to work during their holidays, as they are caring and dedicated to supporting our children and young people. We are immensely proud and thankful for every member of our school community and especially the staff who made Summer School a magical place to be.
Pupil voice to follow soon... watch this space.
In speaking with parents and carers, we realised that one or two young people may have been a little reluctant to come to school in the holidays, but they realised it was fun from start to finish. The following poem is dedicated to each one of our amazing attendees and trailblazers.
Summer School
'Go to Summer School', said Mam. 'Go and try it',
'No, thank you', I said, 'before I start, I quit'.
'Go to Summer School' said Nan, 'You'll have lots of fun',
'No, thank you', I said, ' this school year is all done'.
After a while, I thought 'why not, I'll give it a go'
Then, I couldn't understand why I'd ever said 'No'.
Everything my folks said about it was right,
It was even better than playing Fortnite!
We made kites, created hats and played all day,
We sparked fires and cooked in the most amazing way.
We played rounders, cricket and had some races,
Staff joined in: they were put through their paces.
We ate doughnuts, which were swinging from a string,
Tie-dyed t-shirts; we designed our own thing.
We created models, dreamcatchers and painted rocks,
Each team completed challenges such as egg drops.
Tie-dyeing our t-shirts was really lots of fun,
Later, we got to wear them outside in the sun.
Then when it was over and came to an end,
We had a prize giving and a BBQ with our friends.
'Go to Summer School', said Mam, 'it will be great'
'Yes please, Mam!' I said, 'I really can't wait!'